Saturday, December 20, 2003


{names of lenders w/held}

James Joyce (biography), Edna O'Brien
I Am Trying to Break Your Heart (a film), Sam Jones

Beautiful Shirt (poems), Donald Revell
Midwinter Day (poems), Bernadette Meyer
As in T As in Tether (poems), David Bromige
One Block Over (poems), Tenny Nathanson
The Miseries Of Poetry (poems), {ahem} Alexandra Papaditsas and Kent Johnson
Vertical Elegies 5: The Section (sonnets), Sam Truitt
Antennae (poems & scores), ed. Jesse Seldess
{Am I forgetting anything?}

The Irish Story: Telling Tales and Making It Up in Ireland (lit./hist. essays), R.F. Foster

Escape from Evil (social theory), Ernest Becker

Teaching to Transgress (ed. essays), bell hooks

Unending Design (poetics), Joseph M. Conte
{Thought I'd returned this... Need my own copy...}

The Decline of the West, Oswald Spengler

Amphigorey, Edward Gorey

Hope I'm not forgetting anything.

{glancing about the room & out the window}

the Annisquam River

shirt from Odd in Portsmouth, NH


the guitar on which things-as-they-are are changed

"the bluejay’s double-blue device" (R. Francis)

"Sirius is a winterbluegreen star" (R. Francis)
Songs for a Blue Guitar

{sort of}
Ghosts of the Great Highway